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完全復刻版『ペリー日本遠征記』Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan



Ancient castle, Nagagusko, Lew Chew
Commodore Perry's visit to Shui, Lew Chew
Delivery of the President's letter
Commodore meeting commissioners at Yokuhama
Wrestlers at Yoku-Hama
Public bath at Simoda
Regent of Lew Chew
Lew Chew costumes, middle class
Bell-house, Simoda
Temple of Hat-chi-man-ya-chu-ro, Simoda
Japanese woman, Simoda
Prefect of Hakodadi
Buddhist temple, Ceylon
View of Old China street, Canton
Japanese game of SHO-HO-YE, Analogous to our game Chess


第1巻 挿絵リスト

以下の内容は、原本第1巻の目次を元に文字認識ソフトを利用して作成したものです。また、本書内で使用されている地名(Lew Chew=琉球,Napha=那覇)などには現在の表記を括弧で補足してあります。




"Mississippi" passing Point Atristow HEINE & BROWN 81
Loo Rock and Pontinha, Madeira HEINE & BROWN 82
Funchal, Madeira, from the Curral HEINE & BROWN 84
Jamestown, St, Helena HEINE & BROWN 90
Valley of the Tomb, near Longwood HEINE & BROWN 92
Longwood, from the gate HEINE & BROWN 94
Cape Town and Table mountain HEINE & BROWN 98
Mauritius, from the "Ponce" HEINE & BROWN 105
Hindoo ablutions, Mauritius HEINE & BROWN 112
Light-house, Point de Galle, Ceylon HEINE & BROWN 114
Buddhist temple, Ceylon HEINE & BROWN 120
Rajah of Jahore, Singapore -- from life BROWN 129
River Jarong, Singapore HEINE & BROWN 130
View of Hong Kong from East Point HEINE & BROWN 133
Chinese temple, Hong Kong HEINE & BROWN 134
Whampoa Pagoda and anchorage HEINE & BROWN 135
Fish market, Canton HEINE 138
Chinese temple, Macao HEINE 144
Chief magistrate, Napha (Naha) -- from a daguerreotype BROWN 155
Street in Napha (Naha), Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE 156
Napha (Naha), from Bamboo village HEINE 164
Ancient castle, Nagagusko (Nakagusuku), Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE & BROWN 170
Village near Napha (Naha), Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE & BROWN 173
Ancient castle, Nagagusko (Nakagusuku), Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE & BROWN 174
Lew Chew (Ryukyu) exploring party HEINE & BROWN 176
Tshandicoosah(Kina, Yomitan), Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE & BROWN 182
Bridge and causeway, Machinatoo (Makiminato), Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE & BROWN 184
Commodore Perry's visit to Shui (Shuri), Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE 189
Reception at the castle, Shui (Shuri), Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE 190
Dinner at the Regent's, Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE 191
Court interpreter, Shin, Lew Chew (Ryukyu) -- from a daguerreotype BROWN 192
Temple at Tumai, Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE & BROWN 194
Kanaka village, Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands HEINE & BROWN 204
Regent of Lew Chew (Ryukyu) -- from a daguerreotype BROWN 215
Afternoon gossip, Lew Chew (Ryukyu) -- from a daguerreotype BROWN 219
Lew Chew (Ryukyu) costumes, middle class -- from a daguerreotype BROWN 226
View of Uraga, Yedo (Edo) bay HEINE 233
First landing at Gorahama (Kurihama) HEINE 256
Delivery of the President's letter HEINE 261
Torigasaki, Yedo (Edo) bay HEINE 268
Inner harbor and ruins, Timagusko HEINE & BROWN 281
China girl, sycee head-dress -- from a daguerreotype BROWN 296
Macao, from Penha Hill HEINE 298
Jesuit convent, Macao HEINE 300
Napha (Naha), from the sea HEINE 309
Market-place in Napha (Naha) HEINE 317
Bay of Wodowara (Odawara) HEINE & WALKE 325
Commodore meeting commissioners at Yokuhama (Yokohama) PETERS 346
Yenoske and Takojuro, interpreters BROWN 348
View from Webster island HEINE 353
Temple at Yokuhama (Yokohama) HEINE 355
Delivery of presents PETERS 357
Japanese soldiers, Yokuhama (Yokohama) HEINE 359
Wrestlers at Yoku-Hama (Yokohama) PETERS 371
Dinner on board the Powhatan HEINE 375
Simoda (Shimoda), from Vandalia Bluff HEINE 401
Bridge of cut-stone, &c., Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 403
Japanese woman, Simoda (Shimoda) BROWN 404
Mother and child, Simoda (Shimoda) -- daguerreotype BROWN 405
Public bath at Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 405
Temple of Hat-chi-man-ya-chu-ro HEINE 406
Devotions in great temple, Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 407
Buddhist priest, Simoda (Shimoda), in costume BROWN 408
Buddhist priest, Simoda (Shimoda) -- likeness BROWN 409
Bell-house, Simoda (Shimoda) -- daguerreotype BROWN 410
Mariner's temple, Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 411
Japanese rice-mill, Simoda (Shimoda) KELLOGG 414
Kura-Kawa-Kakei, prefect of Simoda (Shimoda) -- daguerreotype BROWN 417
Japanese women -- daguerreotype BROWN 418
Simoda (Shimoda), from the American grave yard HEINE 425
Japanese funeral, Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 426
Hakodadi (Hakodate), from Snow Peak HEINE 430
Prefect of Hakodadi (Hakodate) -- daguerreotype BROWN 433
Chief temple, Hakodadi (Hakodate) HEINE 442
Street in Hakodadi (Hakodate) HEINE 443
Entrance to a temple, Hakodadi (Hakodate) BROWN 445
Hakodadi (Hakodate), from Telegraph Hill HEINE 447
Japanese junk, section KELLOGG 448
Japanese junk, cross-section KELLOGG 449
Japanese boat KELLOGG 450
Japanese junk, view complete MEFFERT 451
Fire company's house and engine HEINE 459
Fac simile, Japanese painting 462
Japanese painting -- crossing the Oho-e-ga-wa 462
Deputy of Prince of Matsmai (Matsumae) -- daguerreotype BROWN 468
Conference-room, Hakodadi (Hakodate) HEINE 470
Governor of Simoda (Shimoda) -- daguerreotype BROWN 477
Tatsnoske, second interpreter -- daguerreotype BROWN 485
Farewell visit at Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 486
Japanese fac simile, crucifixion 487



View of Funchal, Madeira HEINE & BROWN 82
Funchal Cathedral, Madeira HEINE & BROWN 83
Ox sledge, Madeira HEINE 84
Old house, Longwood, St. Helena HEINE & BROWN 93
Travellers in South Africa HEINE 100
Kaffir chief and Fingo woman C. TOWN, artist 102
Kaffir chief "Seyolo" and wife -- from life E. BROWN 102
Port Louis, Mauritius HEINE & BROWN 108
Costumes of Mauritius HEINE 110
Public square, Port Louis HEINE 111
Point de galle, Ceylon HEINE 115
Buddhist temple near Point de galle, Ceylon HEINE 121
Mississippi saluted by an English frigate, straits of Malacca E. BROWN 123
Malay Proa E. BROWN 126
Mosque in Singapore PORTMAN 127
Malay tombs near Singapore HEINE 131
Barber boy, Hong Kong HEINE 134
View of Old China street, Canton HEINE 137
Tanka boat, Macao E. BROWN 141
Tanka boat girl E. BROWN 141
Chinese woman and child E. BROWN 141
Camoen's cave, Macao, (front) HEINE 142
Do. do. (rear) HEINE 148
American consulate and Port of Shanghai HEINE 145
Lew Chew (Ryukyu) peasant -- daguerreotype E. BKOWN 157
Lew Chew (Ryukyu) merchant -- daguerreotype E. BROWN 161
Night camp of exploring party, Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE 166
Banner Rock, Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE 168
Tombs in Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE 169
Ground plan of Nagagusko (Nakagusuku), Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE 170
Nagagusko (Nakagusuku) interior HEINE 171
Ruins of Nagagusko (Nakagusuku) north HEINE 172
Rice-houses in the valley of On-na, Lew Chew (Ryukyu) BAYARD TAYLOR 178
Kung-Kwa of On-na HEINE & BROWN 180
Cave at Port Lloyd, Bonin (Ogasawara) HEINE 201
Valley near Southeast bay, Peel island (Chichi-jima) BAYARD TAYLOR 207
Southeast bay, Peel island HEINE 208
Stapleton island HEINE 210
Dinner to the Regent of Lew Chew (Ryukyu) on board U. S. S. Susquehanna HEINE 216
Sugar mill, Lew Chew (Ryukyu) HEINE 227
China girl showing head-dress -- daguerreotype BROWN 291
Chinese beggar, Macao -- daguerreotype BROWN 293
Chinese fruit -- seller -- daguerreotype BROWN 295
Dress of Chinese lady of rank -- daguerreotype BROWN 296
Chinese barber, Macao -- daguerreotype BROWN 297
Protestant grave yard, Macao HEINE 300
Salt flats, Napha (Naha) HEINE 317
Americans landing at Uraga HEINE 334
Imperial barge,Yoku-Hama (Yokohama) HEINE 345
Buddhist priest, full dress BROWN 354
Namoura, third interpreter BROWN 374
Farm yard,Yoku-Hama (Yokohama) HEINE 384
Japanese women -- daguerreotype BROWN 397
Mia at Yokuhama (Yokohama) HEINE 400
Simoda (Shimoda), from the creek HEINE 400
Landing place, Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 402
Street and entrance to great temple, Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 403
Grave yard of chief temple, Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 407
Valley above Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 412
Japanese women Simoda (Shimoda) BROWN 418
Hakodadi (Hakodate), from the bay HEINE 431
Kitchen at Hakodadi (Hakodate) HEINE 441
Fishing at Hakodadi (Hakodate) HEINE 451
Japanese Kago BROWN 452
Sub-prefect, Hakodadi (Hakodate) BROWN 453
Water boats and junks, Hakodadi (Hakodate) HEINE 454
Japanese cooper BROWN 455
Blacksmiths' shop HEINE 458
Ship yard HEINE 457
Spinning and weaving HEINE 458
Fac similes of horses, Japanese drawing 459, 460, 461
Japanese women BROWN 474
Boat with Sillibaboos BROWN 502
Chinese rice-hulling machine HEINE 507
Cotton whipping, Hong Kong HEINE 508
Temple of Ben-Ting, Simoda (Shimoda) HEINE 510

[All the initial letters and tail-pieces of the several chapters are from the pencil of Mr. HEINE.]


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