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完全復刻版『ペリー日本遠征記』Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan



Chapter XIII

以下の内容は、原本第1巻の目次を元に文字認識ソフトを利用して作成したものです。また、本書内で使用されている地名(Lew Chew=琉球,Napha=那覇)などには現在の表記を括弧で補足してあります。

Probabilities of a successful mission from the United States to Japan. -- Such a mission proposed to the Government by Commodore Perry. -- Expedition resolved on. -- Vessels selected for the squadron. -- Vexatious delay in their equipment. -- Commodore Perry sent in the Mississippi to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. -- Applications of scientific men to join the expedition refused. -- Causes of such refusal. -- Dr. Von Siebold. -- Visit of the President and Secretary of the Navy to Annapolis to take leave of the expedition. -- Failure of the machinery of the steamship Princeton on the passage down Chesapeake Bay. -- Substitution of steamer Powhatan in place of the Princeton. -- Final departure of Commodore Perry on the mission with the Mississippi alone. 75 -- 80
Voyage from the capes of the Chesapeake to Madeira. -- View of the island. -- Funchal. -- Hospitality of the inhabitants. -- Salubrity of the climate. -- Exports of the island. -- Novel mode of conveyance. -- Departure from Madeira and arrival at the Canaries. -- Early failure of northeast trades. -- Extraordinary swell from the northwest. -- General order as to private journals and communications to public prints. -- General order as to scientific investigations by officers. -- The "Harmattan," consideration of hypotheses as to its origin. -- Southeast trades. -- Ship steered for St. Helena. -- Observations on the currents. -- Chaplain's observations on the zodiacal lights. -- Arrival at St. Helena. -- Description of the island. -- Jamestown. -- Longwood. -- Tomb of Napoleon. -- The calculating hospitality of the inhabitants of the island. -- Adventure of Lieutenant --. -- Fortifications of the island. -- Their sufficiency against sailing vessels. -- Probable insufficiency against an approach from the west by steam. -- Departure from St. Helena. 81 -- 96
Passage to the cape. -- Fuel for steamers. -- Table rock and Cape Town. -- Description of Cape Town. -- Climate. -- Annoyance from dust. -- Violence of winds and difficulty of holding to anchorage. -- Supplies at the cape. -- Caffre war and its effects. -- Mode of transporting produce on land. -- Vineyards of Constantia. -- Effects of emancipation of slaves on agricultural labor. -- Mode of cultivating the vine. -- Population of Cape Colony. -- Bushmen. -- The Caffres. -- Physical characteristics. -- Fingoes. -- Military organization of Caffres. -- Condition of the emancipated slaves. -- Departure from Table Bay. -- Passage to, and arrival at, Mauritius. -- Harbor of Port Louis. -- Dangers of the harbor. -- Skill of port officers in mooring vessels. 97 -- 106
Mauritius, its discovery. -- Geological formation and physical aspect. -- Production of sugar. -- Effect on agriculture of the abolition of slavery. -- Coolies. -- Population of the island. -- State of feeling between English and French residents. -- Hospitable treatment of the expedition. -- Description of Port Louis. -- Grand Port. -- Paul and Virginia. -- Facts on which St. Pierre founded his story. -- Tombs of Paul and Virginia. -- Built by an eccentric Frenchman. -- Cyclones. -- Their probable causes. -- Interest felt in them at Mauritius. -- Departure of the Mississippi from Port Louis. -- Her course thence to Point de Galle, island of Ceylon. -- Reasons for taking it. -- Point de Galle, description of. -- Great rendezvous of steamers. -- Difficulty of procuring fuel there. -- American, consul. -- Thoughts on consular system. -- Early knowledge of Ceylon. -- Its several European possessors. -- Climate. -- Salubrity. -- Causes of its diminished prosperity. -- Productions. -- Value of cocoanut palm. -- Pearl fishery. -- Immense numbers of elephants. -- Great slaughter of them. -- Boa constrictor. -- Population of Ceylon. -- Physique of Cingalese, Malabars, and Mahomedans in the island. -- Religious condition. -- Buddhism. -- Pilgrimage to the temples. -- Intercourse with a Siamese naval officer at Ceylon. -- Commodore's letter to the second king of Siam. -- Departure from Ceylon. -- Passage through the Straits of Malacca. -- Arrival at Singapore. 107 -- 124
Singapore. -- Its great commerce. -- Population. -- Rapid increase. -- Hospitality of a wealthy Chinese merchant. -- Importance of Singapore to England. -- Coal depot at Singapore. -- Physical aspect of the country. -- Agricultural products. -- Animals. -- Ferocity of the tiger. -- Water buffalo. -- Passage from Singapore to Hong Kong. -- Currents, rocks, tides. -- Chinese fishing boats. -- Arrival at Hong Kong. -- Finding there sloops-of-war Saratoga and Plymouth and store -- ship Supply. -- Susquehanna gone to Shanghai. -- Disappointment of the Commodore. -- Condition and prosperity of Hong Kong. -- Run to Macao, thence to Whampoa on Canton river. -- Navigation of the river. -- First impressions made by the city. -- Disappointed expectations. -- Hospitality of American consul at Canton. -- The hongs or factories. -- Streets in Canton. -- Proper name of the city. -- Bocca Tigris. -- Chinese forts. -- Pirates on the river. -- Attempt to rob one of the officers. -- Canton market place. -- Trade of Canton with Europe and America. 125 -- 138
Hospitable treatment at Macao. -- Usages of the foreign merchants toward visitors. -- Depressed condition of Macao. -- Description of the place. -- Tanka boats, and girls who manage them. -- Cave of Camoens. -- Departure of Mississippi from Macao. -- Saratoga left to bring Mr. Williams, the interpreter. -- Difficulties of navigation from Hong Kong to the mouth of Yang-tse-keang. -- Entrance of the river dangerous. -- Susquehanna, Plymouth, and Supply all aground. -- Mississippi saved by the power of her engines only. -- Description of Shanghai. -- Its immense trade. -- Cultivation of the country. -- Population of the city. -- Visit of the Commodore to the governor of the city. -- Chinese rebellion. -- Its effects. -- Plymouth left at Shanghai to protect American interests. -- Departure for Great Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Arrival of the squadron at the capital, Napha (Naha), the Saratoga having joined at the entrance to the harbor. 139 -- 150
Number and position of islands of Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Their supposed political relations to Japan and China. -- Description of the island of Great Lew Chew (Ryukyu), as seen on the first approach to it. -- Visit of officials to the Susquehanna. -- Visit of Dr. Bettelheim. -- Refusal of presents, and consequent mortification of the Lew Chewans (Ryukyuans). -- Exploration of the island resolved on by the Commodore. -- Daguerreotyping on shore. -- Coral insect and its formations. -- Second visit of the authorities of Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Regent of the island received by the Commodore, -- Friendly nature of the interview. -- Surprise of the Lew Chewans (Ryukyuans) at sight of the steam-engine. -- Commodore announces to them his intention of returning the visit at the palace of Shui (Shuri). -- Their evident embarrassment thereat. -- Leave to go on shore. -- Description of Napha (Naha) and its vicinity, by one of the officers. -- Exploring party sets out, placed under the command of the chaplain, Mr. Jones. -- Mr. Bayard Taylor attached to it, with orders to take notes and furnish a detailed report of the journey. -- Negotiations with the Lew Chew (Ryukyu) authorities to obtain a house on shore. -- Their manifest opposition. -- Commodore persists and succeeds. -- Officers, when on shore, continually watched by spies. -- Captain Basil Hall's account of the Lew Chewans (Ryukyuans) somewhat exaggerated. -- Impressions made on the officers as to the character of the natives. -- Hydrographic surveys. -- Boat exercise of the crews, and drilling on land of the marines. 151 -- 161
Report of an inland exploration of Great Lew Chew (Ryukyu), by a party from the squadron, under the command of Commodore Perry. 162 -- 186
Efforts of authorities of Lew Chew (Ryukyu) to prevent a visit to the palace. -- All unsuccessful. -- Landing for the visit. -- Procession. -- Appearance of the country. -- Reception at the palace. -- Embarrassment of the regent. -- Entertainment at the regent's house. -- Saki. -- New dishes. -- Commodore invites authorities to a dinner on board the Susquehanna. -- General impressions produced by the visit. -- Espionage still kept up. -- Daily exercise of sailors and marines. -- Settlement of accounts with Lew Chew (Ryukyu) authorities. -- Mississippi and Supply remain at Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Susquehanna and Saratoga leave for the Bonin (Ogasawara) islands. -- Death of an opium smoker on the passage. -- Inhumanity of Chinese. -- Sunday on board. -- Arrival at Port Lloyd. 187 -- 196
Situation of Bonin (Ogasawara) islands. -- First discovery of them. -- Europeans have no claim as the discoverers. -- Mixed character of present settlers. -- External appearance of Peel island. -- Geological formation. -- Harbor of Port Lloyd. -- Productions of the island, animal and vegetable. -- Resort of whalers. -- Condition of present inhabitants. -- Commodore causes the island to be explored. -- Reports of exploring parties. -- Kanakas. -- Examination of Stapleton island, and report thereon. -- Survey of harbor of Port Lloyd. -- Land purchased for a coal depot. -- Departure from Bonin (Ogasawara) islands on the return to Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Disappointment island. -- Its true position. -- Borodinos (Daitou). -- Arrival at Napha (Naha). 197 -- 214
Changes at Napha (Naha). -- New regent. -- Banquet on board of the Susquehanna. -- Excessive dignity of the new regent. -- Stateliness of Lew Chewans (Ryukyuans) thawed out by the dinner. -- Guests sent home. -- Bamboo village. -- Interior of Lew Chew (Ryukyu) houses. -- Men indolent. -- Gossipping at Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Lew Chew (Ryukyu) loom. -- Different classes of the people. -- Their fear of spies. -- Slavery of peasants. -- Causes of degradation. -- Excellence of agricultural cultivation. -- Origin of population of Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Former kingdoms on the island. -- Relation of Lew Chew (Ryukyu) to China and Japan, respectively. -- Education in Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Religion of the inhabitants. -- Christian mission in Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Distinctions of dress. -- People sell themselves as slaves. -- Clanship. -- Coin in Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Sugar making. -- Natural products of the island. 215 -- 227
Departure from Napha (Naha) for Japan. -- Course of the ships. -- Oho-Sima. -- Island seen by Commander Glynn, probably Oho-Sima. -- Cleopatra islands. -- Currents. -- Fourth of July on board. -- Approach to Cape Idzu (Izu). -- Squadron, led by the Susquehanna, enters the bay of Yedo (Edo). -- Rock island. -- Hazy atmosphere of Japan. -- Surprise of the Japanese at sight of the steamers moving against wind and tide. -- Bay of Sagami. -- Appearance of the coast and country inland. -- Fusi-Jama. -- Ships made ready for action. -- Fleet of Japanese boats put off from the shore. -- Left behind by squadron. -- Bay of Uraga. -- Opposite coast of Awa. -- Japanese forts. -- Squadron comes to anchor in the bay of Uraga. -- Soundings on approaching the anchorage. -- Japanese guard -- boats put off. -- No one permitted to come on board the ships. -- Appearance of guard -- boats and crews. -- Skill of the Japanese in managing their boats. -- Guard-boat comes alongside of the Mississippi, and Japanese functionary demands to come on board. -- Not permitted. -- Notice in the French language, ordering the ships away, held up to be read. -- Interpreters directed to inform the Japanese that the Commodore would confer with no one but the highest official in Uraga. -- Japanese replied that they had the vice governor on board. -- This officer and his interpreter allowed to come on board the Susquehanna. -- Not permitted to see the Commodore. -- Conference with Lieutenant Contee, who explains that the Americans have come on a friendly mission, and that the Commodore bears a letter from the President of the United States to the Emperor. -- Desires the appointment of an officer of suitable rank to receive it from the Commodore. -- Commodore refuses to go to Nagasaki. -- Informs the Japanese officials that if the guard-boats are not immediately removed he will disperse them by force. -- The boats are withdrawn. -- Vice governor returns to the shore, promising further communication on the morrow. -- Policy resolved on by the Commodore. -- Meteorological phenomenon. -- Visit on the next day from the governor of Uraga. -- Conference between him and Commanders Buchanan and Adams. -- Second refusal of the Commodore to go to Nagasaki. -- Determination expressed to deliver the letter there, and, if necessary, in the city of Yedo (Edo) itself. ? Governor proposes to refer the matter to Yedo (Edo). -- Commodore assents and allows three days for an answer. ? Survey by the squadron's boats of the bay of Uraga, and ultimately of the bay of Yedo (Edo). 228 -- 242
Reply from the court at Yedo (Edo). -- Efforts of the Japanese to get the squadron out of the bay of Yedo (Edo). -- Commodore's firm refusal to leave Uraga. -- Agreement of the Emperor to receive, through a commissioner, the President's letter. -- High breeding of the Japanese gentlemen; not ill-informed. -- Survey of the bay of Yedo (Edo). -- Fogs of Japan. -- Second visit from the governor of Uraga. -- He brings a letter from the Emperor, authorizing a prince of the empire to receive, in his name, the President's letter. -- Arrangements made for the Commodore's reception on shore to deliver the letter. -- Minute attention of the Japanese to etiquette and ceremonials. -- Preparations in the squadron for the visit on shore at the reception. -- Ships brought near the land, so as to command the place of meeting. -- Landing and reception, and delivery of the letter and other documents. -- Princes of Idsu (Izu) and Iwama. -- Contents of President's letter. -- Commodore's letter of credence, and his letters to the Emperor. -- Receipt given by the Japanese for the papers. -- Return to the ships. 243 -- 261
Concessions of the Japanese. -- Relaxation of their restrictive laws. -- Satisfaction of both Japanese and Americans at the result of the visit on shore and delivery of the President's letter. -- Visit of Keyama Yezaiman to the ships. -- Impudence of the interpreter Saboroske. -- The squadron goes further up the bay towards the capital. -- Policy of this movement. -- Alarm of the Japanese gradually quieted. -- Beautiful scenery up the bay. -- Survey of the bay continued. -- Conviviality on board. -- Surveying boats enter a small river. -- Cordial greeting of the inhabitants. -- Crowd dispersed by a Japanese official. -- Commodore transfers his pennant from the Susquehanna to the Mississippi. -- The last-named vessel goes up in. sight of the shipping place of Yedo (Edo). -- Sinagawa (Shinagawa). -- Yedo (Edo) about ten miles distant from the point where the ships turned about. -- Good depth of water in Yedo (Edo) bay, probably almost up to the city. -- The bay pretty thoroughly explored and sounded by the surveying parties. -- Interchange of presents with the Japanese officers. -- Avowed sorrow of Japanese officials on bidding farewell to the Americans. -- Commodore's reasons for not waiting for a reply to the President's letter. -- Leaves Yedo (Edo) bay declaring his intention to return in the ensuing spring. ? The Saratoga sent to Shanghai to look after American interests. -- The Plymouth ordered to Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Oho-Sima. -- Ships encounter a storm. -- General results of the first visit of the squadron to the bay of Yedo (Edo). 262 -- 273
Amakirima (Kerama) islands. -- State of feeling in Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Commodore's measures for permanent arrangements with the authorities. -- Coal depot. -- Protest against espionage. -- Trade in open market. -- Letter to the regent. -- Interview with the regent. -- Entertainments of the Commodore. -- During dinner the regent's answer is brought. -- Unsatisfactory to the Commodore. -- Letter handed back to the regent, and the Commodore prepares to leave the house. -- Informs the regent that he must have a satisfactory answer on the next day, otherwise he will land and take possession of the palace at Shui (Shuri) and retain it until matters are adjusted. -- Probable effects of hunting up the old sedan chair on shore -- Commodore's propositions all accepted. -- Coal depot built. -- Visit to the castle of Tima-Gusko. -- Purchases in the bazaar. -- Departure from Napha (Naha) for China. -- Plymouth left behind with orders to visit Bonin (Ogasawara) islands and make further surveys. -- Captain Kelly's report of the visit and surveys. -- Form of government and constitution of the settlers on Peel island (Chichi-jima). -- General effect of this last visit to Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Arrival of the Vandalia ; of the Powhatan. -- Overhauling of the vessels of the squadron at Hong Kong. 274 -- 286
Alarm of Americans in China. -- Request to Commodore that he would send a ship to Canton. -- Supply sent. -- The rest of the squadron at Cum-sing-moon. -- Hospital established and house taken at Macao. -- Sickness in the squadron. -- Work kept up in all departments, notwithstanding. -- Healthiness of Canton. -- Gluttony of the Chinese. -- Chinese servants. -- Chinese English, or "pigeon." -- Male dressmakers, chamber servants, etc. -- Chinese female feet. -- Chinese guilds -- . -- Beggars. -- Charitable institutions. -- Thieves. -- Boatmen. -- Laboring classes. -- Domestic servants. -- Polygamy and its moral results. -- Decadence of Macao. -- Humbled condition of the Portuguese. -- Harbor of Macoa. -- Commodore establishes his depot for the squadron at Hong Kong. -- Pleasant society of Macao. -- Powhatan stationed at Whampoa to relieve the Susquehanna. -- Supply still at Canton. -- Chinese peaceable towards foreigners. -- Steamer "Queen" chartered to protect American interests in China while the squadron, should go to Yedo (Edo). -- Suspicious movements of Russians and French induce the Commodore to hasten his return to Japan. -- Lexington arrives. -- The squadron ordered to rendezvous at Napha (Naha), Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Orders received, just as the squadron leaves China, to detach a steamer for the use of Mr. McLane, American Commissioner to China. -- Embarrassment of the Commodore, in consequence. -- His mode of proceeding to accomplish both the objects of the government. -- Correspondence with Sir George Bonham touching the Bonin (Ogasawara) islands. -- Courtesy of the English Admiral Pellew. -- Squadron assembles at Napha (Naha). 287 -- 308
Increased cordiality and friendly intercourse on the part of the Lew Chewans (Ryukyuans). -- Second visit of the Commodore to the palace at Shui (Shuri). -- Entertainment by the regent. -- No metallic coin of Lew Chew (Ryukyu) to be obtained. -- Rev. Mr. Jones' second exploration in search of coal -- Finds it at Shah (Shioya) bay. -- The mineral not valued by the natives. -- Additional geological observations in Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Remarkable salubrity of the island. -- Tenure of lands. -- Agriculture. -- Rice, potatoes, sugar, cotton, wheat, barley, millet, sago, beans, peas, tobacco, edible roots, fruits, trees, flowers, etc. -- Sugar mills. -- Grain mills and granaries. -- Population. -- Ethnology. -- Costume. -- Politeness of manner. -- General intelligence. -- Architecture. -- Rude attempts in painting and sculpture. -- Amusements. -- Government. -- Religion. -- Funeral rites. -- Japanese spies in Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Departure for the bay of Yedo (Edo) 309 -- 320
Letter from Dutch Governor General of India announcing the death of the Japanese Emperor. -- Commodore's reply. -- Enumeration of the several objects in view. -- Prospects of their attainment by the mission. -- Officers and men left in Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Arrival of the Saratoga. -- Run to Yedo (Edo) bay. -- Oho-Sima. -- Cleopatra isles. -- Mijako-Sima (MIyako-jima). -- All belong to Lew Chew (Ryukyu) group. -- Entrance of gulf or outer bay of Yedo (Edo). -- Japanese charts of little value; made for mere coasting -- Wintry aspect of Japan. -- Macedonian aground. -- Hauled off by the Mississippi. -- Friendly offers of the Japanese to assist the Macedonian. -- Squadron proceeds up the bay and anchors at the "American anchorage." -- Japanese officials come alongside. -- Received by Captain; Adams on the Powhatan, pursuant to the Commodore's orders. -- They attempt to prevail on the Commodore to return to Uraga, stating that the high Japanese functionaries were there awaiting his arrival, by appointment of the Emperor. -- Commodore declines on account of safety of the ships. -- Visit on the next day from the officials, who reiterate their request, with an assurance that the commissioners were ordered to receive the Commodore at Uraga with distinguished consideration. -- Commodore again declines. -- Japanese ask that an officer may be sent to Uraga to confer with the commissioners as to a place of meeting. -- Commodore consents that Captain Adams may hold such a conference, but that the commissioners must come there to hold it. -- Japanese become alarmed as to the friendly feelings of the Americans. -- Their fears allayed. -- Survey of the bay resumed without interruption, by the Japanese. -- Our boats forbidden by the Commodore to land. -- Japanese persist for several days in desiring the Commodore to go to Uraga with the ships. -- Commodore invariably refuses. -- At length the Japanese are informed that the Commodore will allow Captain Adams to meet a commissioner on shore near the ships, or that he will proceed up the bay to Yedo (Edo). -- Note from the commissioners to the Commodore. -- His reply. -- Captain Adams sent down, to Uraga to communicate to the commissioners the Commodore's reasons for declining to take the ships to Uraga. -- Some of the Japanese accompany him in the Vandalia. -- Interview of Captain Adams with the commissioners at Uraga. -- Visit to Captain Adams from Yezaiman on board the Vandalia. -- Assures Captain Adams of the friendly disposition of the Emperor. -- Vandalia returns, and perceives ahead the squadron standing tip the bay toward Yedo (Edo). -- The Japanese no longer urge going to Uraga, but suddenly propose Yoku-Hama (Yokohama), where the ships then were, about eight miles from Yedo (Edo). -- Commodore immediately assents. -- Buildings constructed at Yoku-Hama (Yokohama). -- A Japanese seaman in the squadron sends a letter to his family ashore, by Yezaiman. -- Yezaiman desires an interview with him. -- The interview. -- Ceremonials settled as to the conferences on shore for negotiation. 321 ? 342
Ships anchored in Yoku-Hama (Yokohama) bay so as to command the shore. -- Kanagawa "treaty house." -- Imperial barge. -- Landing of the Commodore. -- Description of the Japanese commissioners. -- Interpreters. -- Servility to superiors. -- Negotiations commenced. -- Commodore submits a copy of the treaty of the United States with China for consideration. -- Death of one of our men. -- Commodore proposes to buy a burial ground for Americans. -- Commissioners propose to send the body of the deceased to Nagasaki for interment. -- Commodore refuses, and proposes to bury the dead on Webster's island. -- Commissioners consent to the interment at Yoku-Hama (Yokohama). -- The burial by Chaplain Jones. -- Interest of the Japanese in the ceremony. -- They afterwards perform their own rites over the covered grave. -- The Japanese build an enclosure around the spot. -- Japanese artists attempt the portraits of our officers. -- Answer to the President's letter. -- Informal conference between Captain Adams and Yenoske. -- Landing and delivery of the presents. -- Japanese workmen assist the Americans in preparing for their exhibition. -- Negotiations continued. -- Surprise and delight of the Japanese at the telegraph and railroad. -- Curiosity of the Japanese in examining mechanism. -- Passion for buttons. -- Note-taking of everything strange to them -- Love of pictures. -- Drawings. -- Common people disposed to social intercourse with the Americans. -- Excitement on Chaplain Bittinger's attempt to reach Yedo (Edo) by land. -- Written reply of commissioners, declining to make a treaty like that of the United States with China. -- Further negotiations. -- Accuracy of the Japanese in noting all the discussions. -- Ports of Simoda (Shimoda) and Hakodadi (Hakodate) agreed to, but with great difficulty on the part of the Japanese. 343 -- 366
Cordiality between Japanese and Americans. -- Presents from the Japanese. -- Coins. -- Singular custom of including rice, charcoal, and dogs, in a royal Japanese present. -- Japanese wrestlers. -- Their immense size and strength. -- Exhibition in the ring. -- Contrast in the exhibition of the telegraph and locomotive. -- Parade of the marines. -- Yenoske visits the flag-ship, and seeks to draw the Commodore out. -- Failure. -- Entertainment of the Chinese commissioners on board the flag-ship. -- Great cordiality. -- Performance on ship -- board of "Ethiopian minstrels," to the great amusement of the Japanese. -- Negotiations continued. -- Japanese object to the immediate opening of the ports. -- Finally concede the point to a certain extent. -- Absolute and persistent refusal to allow Americans permanently to abide in Japan. -- Reluctant consent, after much discussion, to allow one consul to reside at Simoda (Shimoda). -- Treaty finally agreed on and signed. -- Presents by Commodore to the commissioners, that to the chief being the American flag. -- Entertainment of the Commodore and his officers by the commissioners. -- Peculiarities of the mission to Japan. -- Obstacles to making any treaty at all. -- Disposition of the Japanese shown in the conferences. -- Particular refusal to make a treaty allowing American families or females to live in Japan. -- Analysis of the treaty. -- Commodore careful to secure for the United States all privileges that might thereafter be granted by treaty to other nations. -- Case of the American schooner Foote. 367 -- 392
Departure of Commander Adams for the United States, with the treaty. -- Visits of the Commodore and officers on shore. -- Imperturbable composure of Yenoske when charged with falsehood. -- Call upon the Mayor of Yoku-Hama (Yokohama). -- The Ladies of his household. -- Disgusting fashion of dyeing their teeth. -- Use of rouge. -- Entertainment of the Commodore. -- The Mayor's baby. -- The common people very comfortable. -- Field labors shared by the women. -- Straw great-coat for rainy weather. -- Paper umbrellas. -- People not indisposed to intercourse with foreigners. -- Respectful treatment of the female sex. -- Japanese un-oriental in this respect. -- Polygamy not practised. -- Japanese women naturally good-looking. -- Some strikingly handsome. -- Girls have great vivacity, yet dignified and modest. -- Social habits. -- Visits. -- Tea parties. -- Squadron, after notice to the Japanese authorities, proceeds up the bay with some of the officials on board. -- Powhatan and Mississippi go within sight of the capital. -- Its immense size. -- Sea front protected by high palisades. -- Change of Japanese policy on the second visit to Yedo (Edo). -- All show of military resistance studiously avoided. -- The Commodore assures the Japanese officials that he will not anchor the steamers near the city, and, after a glance, at their request, returns. -- Great joy of the officials thereat. -- Preparations for departure. -- Macedonian ordered to Peel (Chichi-jima) island. -- Southampton, Supply, Vandalia, and Lexington sent to Simoda (Shimoda). -- Webster island. -- Departure of the Commodore for Simoda (Shimoda). -- Harbor examined. -- The town and adjacent country. -- Shops and dwellings. -- Public baths. -- Food. -- Mode of cultivation. -- Buddhist temples. -- Grave-yards and tombs. -- Statues of Buddha. -- Offerings of flowers on the graves. -- Epitaphs or inscriptions. -- Charms for keeping away from the dead malignant demons. -- A temple appropriated for the occupancy of our officers. -- A Sintoo temple. -- Mariner's temple. -- Salubrity of Simoda (Shimoda). -- Made an imperial city since the treaty. 393 -- 414
Survey and description of the harbor of Simoda (Shimoda). -- Discipline in the squadron. -- Intercourse with the authorities of Simoda (Shimoda). -- Kura-kawa-kahei, the prefect. -- His disposition to produce trouble. -- Treatment of the American officers. -- Remonstrances of the Commodore. -- Equivocation of the prefect. -- He is frightened into propriety. -- Efforts of two Japanese gentlemen clandestinely to leave their country in the squadron. -- Commodore's conduct. -- Buddhist temples at Simoda (Shimoda). -- Prefect again shows his petty hostility. -- His prevarications and falsehoods. -- Funeral of an American on shore. -- Insult offered to American officers on shore. -- Prefect's further falsehoods. -- Compelled to apologize, and informed that his insolence would not be borne in future. -- Friendly intercourse with the people. -- Departure for Hakodadi (Hakodate). -- Volcano of Oho-Sima. -- The Kuro-siwo, or Japanese "gulf stream." -- Straits of Sangar. -- Fogs. -- Harbor of Hakodadi (Hakodate). -- Directions for entering. 415 -- 432
Visit from the authorities at Hakodadi (Hakodate). -- Their ignorance that a treaty had been made. -- Visit to authorities and explanation of affairs to the Japanese. -- Answer of the officials at Hakodadi (Hakodate). -- Their friendliness and courtesy. -- Visits and rambles of the Americans on shore. -- Houses allotted for their temporary accommodation. -- Description of Hakodadi (Hakodate). -- Resemblance to Gibraltar. -- Cleanliness of streets. -- Pavements and sewers. -- Division into districts under Ottonas. -- Pack-horses used; no wheel-carriages. -- Town very thriving. -- Buildings described. -- Preparations against fires in the city. -- Skill of carpenters and house-joiners. -- Shops, their construction and goods. -- Carvings in wood. -- Furniture. -- Chairs and tables. -- Fashion in eating. -- Tea, how prepared; fire for boiling the kettle. -- Kitchens, stables, and gardens. -- Fire-proof warehouses. -- Traffic at the shops. -- Buddhist temples. -- Grave-yards. -- Praying by machinery. -- Inscriptions on tombs. -- Sintoo temples. -- Shrines by the way-side. -- Gateways on the roads. -- Prospects for Christianity in Japan. -- Weak military defences of Hakodadi (Hakodate). -- Surrounding country. -- Look-out for ships approaching. -- Japanese telescope. -- Geology of the country. -- Mineral spring. -- Natural cave. -- Culinary vegetables. -- Commerce and fisheries. -- Japanese junks. -- Ship-yards. -- Few birds. -- Fish abundant. -- Wild quadrupeds. -- Fox considered as the devil. -- Horses much used, -- Kagos. -- Climate of Hakodadi (Hakodate). -- Population and physical characteristics of the people. -- Ainos or hairy kuriles. -- Mechanical skill of the Japanese. -- Carpentry and masonry. -- Coopers. -- Iron ore workers. -- Blacksmiths, their bellows. -- Copper much used in junk building. -- Spinning and weaving. -- Dyed cottons. -- Silk fabrics. -- Lacquered ware. -- Printing, drawing, and painting. -- Sculpture. -- Architecture. -- General intelligence. -- Information, derived through the Dutch at Nagasaki, from European, publications. -- Japanese game of chess. -- Cards. -- Loto. -- Ball and jackstraws among the children. 433 -- 466
Interview between the Commodore and the representative of the prince of Matsmai (Matsumae). -- Southampton sent to explore Volcano bay, including Endermo harbor. -- Report of the survey. -- Poverty of the region around the bay. -- Eruption of a volcano at midnight, -- Ainos (Ainu). -- Boundaries of Americans at Hakodadi (Hakodate) left to be settled with the imperial commissioners. -- Good understanding between the Americans and people of Hakodadi (Hakodate). -- Japanese delighted with the exhibition of the "Ethiopian minstrels" on board ship. -- Squadron theatricals. -- Interest of Japanese in the machinery and fire-arms of the ships. -- Answer of Hakodadi (Hakodate) authorities to Commodore's inquiries as to European or American vessels wrecked in Japan during the last ten years. -- Answer of the imperial commissioners to similar inquiries. -- Macedonian sails for Simoda (Shimoda), -- Vandalia despatched for China by the western passage. -- Japanese officers desire a conference with the Commodore. -- Flag-lieutenant sent ashore to bring them on board. -- Disrespectful conduct of the officers. -- Flag-lieutenant returns without them. -- Japanese officers finally come off in their own boat. -- Not allowed to see the Commodore until they apologize for their behavior. -- Apology accepted. -- Conference results in nothing but a further illustration of Japanese finesse. -- Burials of Americans at Hakodadi (Hakodate). -- Respect shown for the ceremonies by the Japanese. -- Buddhist priest performs his funeral ceremonies after the Americans retire. -- Services in a Buddhist temple. -- Japanese erect a fence around the American graves. -- Sailor's epitaph composed by his shipmates. -- Block of granite presented by the Japanese at Hakodadi (Hakodate) for the Washington monument. -- Volcano of Oho-Sima. -- Arrival at Simoda (Shimoda). -- Meeting with the commissioners. -- Boundaries at Hakodadi (Hakodate) settled. -- Appointment of pilots and harbor-master agreed on. -- Value of Japanese and American money respectively fixed. -- Additional regulations between the commissioners and Commodore agreed to and signed. -- Coal supplied at Simoda (Shimoda). -- Its comparative quality and value. -- Cost of various articles furnished to the ships. -- Another block of stone for the Washington monument presented by the imperial commissioners at Simoda (Shimoda). -- Japanese present of dogs to the President. -- Sam Patch has an interview with the officials of his country. -- Refuses to go on shore or leave the ship. -- Praiseworthy conduct of a marine towards Sam. -- "Dan Ketch." -- Japanese punishment of crucifixion. -- Practice of the "Hari-kari" or "Happy-despatch." -- Departure from Simoda (Shimoda). -- Macedonian and supply sent to Formosa and Philippines. -- Redfield rocks. -- Party sent on shore for observation of Oho-Sima. -- Arrival at Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Southampton ordered to Hong Kong. -- Powhatan and Mississippi come to anchor at Napha (Naha). 467 -- 490
Preparations for final departure from the Japanese waters. -- Macedonian and Supply ordered to Formosa. -- Instructions to Captain Abbot, of the Macedonian, to touch at the Philippines on his way from Formosa to China. -- Mississippi, Powhatan, and Southampton proceed to Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- State of affairs in Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Supposed murder of an American by Lew Chewans (Ryukyuans). -- Trial of Lew Chewans (Ryukyuans) for murder by their own authorities on the Commodore's demand. -- Description of a Lew Chew (Ryukyu) court of justice. -- Accused made to plead by punches in the ribs. -- Accused convicted and brought to the Commodore for punishment. -- He hands them over to their own authorities. -- They are banished. -- New Year's customs. -- Coal removed from the depot to the ships. -- Compact or treaty made with Lew Chew (Ryukyu). -- Present from the Lew Chewans (Ryukyuans) to the Commodore. -- A stone for the Washington monument. -- Effort of a Japanese to come off in the squadron to the United States. -- Parting entertainment to Lew Chew (Ryukyu) authorities. -- Departure of the squadron for China. -- Macedonian's visit to Formosa. -- Unavailing search for Americans supposed to have been wrecked on the island. -- Explorations by Chaplain Jones for coal. -- Found in abundance and of good quality. -- Survey of the harbor of Kelung. -- Lying and cunning of the Formosans. -- Run to Manilla. -- Very stormy passage. -- Marine volcanoes in the neighborhood of Formosa. -- Inquiries at Manilla into the murder of certain Americans. -- Satisfactory conduct of the Spanish authorities in the matter. -- Delivery by Captain Abbot to the Governor of six Sillibaboos that had been picked up at sea by Lieutenant Commanding Boyle, of the Southampton, floating in an open boat. -- Remarkable distance that they had drifted. -- Physical appearance of the Sillibaboos. -- Voyage of Macedonian to Hong Kong. -- Captain Kelly's handling of the Chinese pirates and imperial troops; forces them to make reparation. -- Chastisement of the Chinese by the joint action of the officers and men of the Plymouth and of those of her Britannic Majesty's ships Encounter and Grecian. -- The Commodore, by leave from the Navy Department, turns over the command to Captain Abbot, and returns home by the overland route. -- On the arrival of the Mississippi in New York, on the 23d of April, the Commodore repairs on board, and formally hauling down his flag, terminates the expedition.
491 -- 508
Commander Adams arrives in the United States with the treaty. -- Submitted by the President and ratified by the Senate. -- Commander Adams sent back with authority to exchange ratifications. -- Arrives at Simoda (Shimoda) after an absence of little more than nine months. -- Altered aspect of the place from the effects of an earthquake. -- Japanese account of the calamity. -- Loss of Russian ship-of-war Diana. -- Russians make a treaty exactly like ours, with a substitution merely of Nagasaki for Napha (Naha) as one of the three ports. -- French ship brings in two shipwrecked Japanese. -- Authorities refuse to receive them except from under our flag, having no treaty with France. -- Men taken on board the Powhatan, and then received by their countrymen. -- Energy of Japanese in rebuilding Simoda (Shimoda). -- Freedom of intercourse with the people. -- No more espionage. -- Brisk traffic at the shops. -- Delivery to Captain Adams of some religious tracts left at Simoda (Shimoda) by Mr. Bittinger. -- Japanese had learned to manage the locomotive, but not the telegraph. -- Moryama Yenoske promoted. -- Message from the commissioners to Commodore Perry. -- Ratifications exchanged.
509 -- 512



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